What a wonderful weekend for knitting. Our weather here in Arizona has been up and down lately, we went from 85 on Friday to 58 today. Truth be told I really live in the wrong state because I would be the happiest woman alive if it would stay at 58. In the spirit of the cooler temps, the WIPs have been progressing.
Here is my WIP basket. In your face!!! Heh- didn't mean for the picture to be so "in your face" but it is and there is no going back. Because soon after the pic was taken, WIPs were taken out and being working on.
My swap socks are coming along. Now I love a challenging pattern, but I am about done with left twists and right twists.
Hedgerows have been getting some work done as well this weekend. While the pattern is a tad boring, they are a nice break from the left and right twists of my swap socks.
Ah, and look who else came out to play this weekend. She was a bit pissed at me for letting her languish so long in the WIP basket, but all was well again after I knit quite a few rows during movie watching.
Sock scraps have been worked into little grannies. Not really into the hexipuff craze, so I figured why not have little grannys for whenever the mood strikes.
From the looks of it, you would have thought that I never left the house. I did if only for a quick trip for some lovely spring flowers and cookies!
Be warned really good cookies that come in a bucket are never a good thing when you live alone. Hmm...why does my stomach hurt?
I mentioned movie watching while I worked on my shawl. I watched the movie The Beginners. How is it I forget how much of a crush I have on Ewan till I see him in a new flick? Other than Ewan being wicked cute, this movie was really good. I also watched One Day, man was I on a cute guys weekend watching thing or what? Maybe it was a hot guys with accents thing.
As if I haven't overlaoded you with enough images for one post, look what just happened outside!
A wee bit of hail. It happened for only 20 seconds and now it is already melted-boo.
Now that I have talked your ears off, I will let you get on with your knitting/crocheting and I will get on with mine. See you back here in a couple of days for a giveaway-whoot whoot!
the east coast called and we want our weather back!!! and if you got rain along with that hail...we want that too!!!
talk about upside down crazy times... oh well as long as we all have our needles and hooks and BUCKETS O'COOKIES????? tut tut...we'll be alright...right?
love everything you have going...and you!!
Posted by: marilyn | 03/18/2012 at 02:30 PM
Oh my goodness, I wish we were neighbors. Not only would I help eat cookies, I'd love watching those movies and knit. (Not everyone understands keeping the light on while watching a movie in the evening.)
Posted by: Audry | 03/18/2012 at 03:03 PM
I would kill for some weather, any weather, that resembled winter this year. My poor allergies never got a break. Oh well - your WIPs look like you're "WIP"ping them into shape (ba dum bum). Obviously I need more caffeine... lol.
Posted by: AmyS | 03/18/2012 at 03:36 PM
Both of those pairs of socks look so pretty! I am always adding new sock patterns to my favorites, so looks like I have 2 more!
I love your WIP bowl btw :)
Posted by: Lisa | 03/18/2012 at 04:21 PM
We had a cold weekend here in SoCal too - and rainy - so happy!!! Love all your sock WIPS ~ very pretty yarns. I'm a fan of TJs too and love all the cookies and crackers they have - but primarily I go because of their frozen fish selection and all the wonderful nuts and dried fruits :)
Posted by: Mr. Puffy | 03/18/2012 at 08:07 PM
Those socks are so pretty. I'm kind of hoping we get a winter this year. I so love the cold. Last year we had one week of awesome snow, but the rest of it was so mild!
Posted by: WS | 03/19/2012 at 03:18 AM
I love your sock yarn grannies, it's making me itch to make some too (I am not so much into the Hexi puff trend right now either, suprising considering that I like hexagons, but all that stuffing just sounds tedious). Good luck with all your projects!
Posted by: nova | 03/19/2012 at 08:48 AM
Ooh, I like the little sock yarn granny squares. I see that we are both into shawl and sock knitting right now. In fact, the only thing I've wanted to knit the past few days is a sock. It's too hot here to have anything else on my lap. Cool and hailing in Arizona, hot and sunny in Michigan. What is going on with Mother Nature?
Posted by: Bungalow 312 | 03/19/2012 at 05:31 PM
What would we do without Trader Joes, seriously? I love that first picture, it is so gorgeous! You always have the prettiest projects going. I'm excited for the socks (swap socks), I know that your swap partner will love them!
Posted by: Pumpkin | 03/19/2012 at 06:49 PM
we had that 'perfect for knitting' weather too. looks like you have lots of pretty projects going on.
my husband brings home those evil plastic tj cookie tubs.
Posted by: lori | 03/20/2012 at 11:45 PM
I like the "in your face" picture, especially since those yarns are so pretty. Sigh. Visiting your blog always makes me want to buy more yarn. And make more socks. You make such lovely socks.
Posted by: allison | 03/21/2012 at 07:00 PM
Love the first picture...such pretty coloured yarns :) It's Autumn here, and the nights are starting to get cooler, perfect for yarn type pursuits :)
Posted by: Kylie | 03/21/2012 at 08:30 PM
Great idea to crochet little grannys from sock yarn! I love the hexipuffs but I just don't think I could commit myself to such a project. At the moment, I don't have enough sock yarn scraps to do too much with, but perhaps I will shortly :)
I wish we had a Trader Joe's here! It seems like such a neat store!
Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Posted by: Jesse | 03/24/2012 at 04:33 PM