A little over a month ago I was contact by a lovely lady named Reba, asking if I would be interested in reviewing her book.
As many of you know, I love to share things I find around blogland that strike my fancy. Sometimes it may be yarn, Indie dyers, fellow yarnies projects, and newly released books/patterns. I was very honored to have someone contact me to review their project.
I didn't dally around with a reply, after reading Reba's reason behind her book:
"I recently completed a book called Follow the Yarn, due out next month in paperback. In brief, the book is based on the tips and techniques I learned from my amazing knitting teacher, Ann Sokolowski, who, sadly, passed away nine months into the beginner’s knitting class I took with her. In addition, the book is the story of how meeting Ann helped me find my voice as a person and as a writer."
You all know how completely and utterly in love with the yarn community I am, therefore how could I say no to such a lovely tribute to one of our own?
This book is without a doubt one of the most wonderful reads. Through Reba's words we are introduced to an amazing woman, Ann Sokolowski, and given some excellent tips and tricks for knitting. A few of my favorites were:
- Making mini balls of yarn
- Tips about holding your yarn
- Having more than one project going
- Measuring for sweaters.
- Blocking
Thanks to Reba, not only did Ann teach her class at the Y these purls of wisdom, but now us as well. I was not prepared to love this book as much as I have. Granted I knew I would enjoy it based on the passion with which it's author promoted it. Could be something she learned from Ann?
"Know your own worth. Know what is worth your time and craftmanship- and what is not."
If you have a love of knitting and knitters, this is a must read book. There will be other amazing stops on this book tour:
Tour Schedule
Weds, Nov. 13: review, http://daydreamknits.wordpress.com/
Tues, Nov 19, 6pm: radio interview, http://www.artistfirst.com
Thurs, Nov. 21: radio interview, http://blogtalkradio/JaiKaur
Fri, Nov. 22: interview by Marie, http://undergroundcrafter.com/blog
Mon, Nov. 25: book give-away, http://www.crossroadreviews.com
Tues, Nov. 26: podcast book reading, http://nevernotknitting.blogspot.com/
Thurs, Dec 5: review by Renee at http://yarnaddictconfessions.blogspot.com
Mon, Dec 9: interview by Marcy Nelson-Garrison athttp://coachingtoysblog.typepad.com/product_mentor_coaching/
Tues, Dec. 10: review at http://www.nekomentsu.blogspot.com/
Plus, month-long book giveaway at http://www.Goodreads.com
Learn more at http://www.rebalinker.com/. All who sign up for Reba's newsletter from now to the end of the tour will be automatically entered in the Tour Contest for a chance to win Great Prizes. Extra chances to win great prizes will be given to our fans at https://www.facebook.com/FollowtheYarn2013 andhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/Reba-Linker-Author/215275608492025
Andi, From the bottom of my heart, thank you for such a beautiful review. I am so touched and thrilled that you liked the book. I am adding a free book as a contest prize (see my Speaking Engagements page) for a lucky reader.
Posted by: Reba Linker | 11/12/2013 at 07:40 AM
How sweet to write a book based upon a beloved teacher.
Posted by: Kepanie | 11/12/2013 at 08:15 AM
Thanks for the book recommendation Andi, I will be keeping an eye out for it, I can always use a good book to read.
I am not on Facebook, but would love to buy a copy from Amazon or my local bookstore.
Posted by: Tracey | 11/12/2013 at 12:23 PM
i'd love to read this book, what a lovely review andi!
Posted by: lori | 11/12/2013 at 07:31 PM
Thanks, Tracey and Kepanie! Follow the Yarn is available at Lulu.com (It is not yet on Amazon or Barnes & Nobles yet). Enjoy, and let me know what you think!
Posted by: Reba Linker | 11/12/2013 at 08:32 PM
A beautiful post Andi, you have done Reba proud .. and after your hearty recommendation I'm off to investigate further :)
Happy knitting xx
Posted by: harmony and rosie | 11/12/2013 at 10:56 PM
Sounds interesting! I love reading about others knitters so might have to check this out.
Posted by: Amanda Keeys | 11/13/2013 at 01:09 AM
I need to check this out. I need a new read, and I'm drifting away from my mystery binge.
Posted by: Sarah | 11/13/2013 at 06:57 AM
I like these kinds of books much more than knitting pattern books because they change the way you think about knitting. It sounds like the voice of Ann is really present...what a wonderful tribute.
Posted by: Rebecca | 11/13/2013 at 02:54 PM
I haven't read a knitting book in a while..I'll have to check this out!
Posted by: Donna @Allthingsming | 11/13/2013 at 05:02 PM