Happy Sunday loves!
Knitting is going on...or is it? I feel like stitches are being squeezed in whenever possible but still nothing is getting completed. I refer to it as my Summer knitting lull. I refuse to say I have lost my knitting mojo because nothing could be further from the truth.
My reading has increased. It tends to do that during the warmer months, as I avoid the sunlight like a vampire. Could that be the reason for the decline in knitting progress? Quite possible.
Non-knitting related and absolutely nothing to do with this post, I tried my first Pluot yesterday. It was good, but I was expecting pure bliss. Have you ever tried one?
Anyhow, much like my knitting I seem to be on a slow roll with most things. Once again I blame the heat and humidity. Cooking is a amiss and simple salads have taken over the menu. Speaking of cooking or lack thereof, I looking for some healthy work lunch ideas from you all. I know I can scan the internet, but I find that I reply on your opinions more than random people on the web.
It would seem I am in search of inspiration in all areas. Does that sound about right? One lovely readers Barbys, shared her inspiration in the form of the video.
Hoping you find inspiration in all things and have the best day today!
Dear Andi! I am always looking forward to your sunday post, it's so nice to read what you've got to say and see the beautiful photos that go with the text.Yes... it's too hot ,here it's 40 centigrade degrees but I still manage to knit socks( in the shade of course... and there's the sea breeze...) I guess the trick is to break it up every 20 minutes or so... get up and do something else...
This week the video you chose is particularly inspiring: how I envy that stash! And her room is so bright and cheerful to sit and knit. She is also a lucky lady to live with such a supportive husband! ( Sigh!...)
Posted by: Isabel Enomura | 08/07/2016 at 07:55 AM
Don't give up on the plots. We have a tree with several varieties grafted. They all taste different. The ones with the green on the outside are my favorite.
Posted by: Andrea @ This Knitted Life | 08/07/2016 at 08:25 AM
I had to stop knitting because of tendonitis and a trigger finger. They were the result of a few issues (one being knitting a lot).
At first it was hard. I do not sit still long and well knitting was something to relax me.
I just recently went to the Stitches and well I sort of want to get back to knitting. But my hands still hurt a bit now and well I guess it is just going to take time.
Posted by: Maureen | 08/07/2016 at 08:57 AM
Hi Andi, so healthy take to work lunch ideas? My favorite go-to is pretty simple. On Sunday, or at some point ahead of time I like to cook several boneless, skinless chicken breasts up. First, I cut the raw chicken into bite size cubes, and then put them in a saute pan with a little olive oil and salt and pepper. Cook them until they are just starting to brown and then add balsamic vinegar, rather generously, enough to make sure all the pieces get thoroughly coated. Cook a few minutes longer on medium high heat, stirring so all pieces absorb the vinegar on all sides and it just starts to carmelize. I then stash the cooked chicken in the fridge and on workday mornings, I put a cup and a half or so of mixed frozen vegetables (I like the california mix or a stir fry mix) in a microwavable container, add a handful of the cooked chicken and pop it in my lunch box. In another little container, I take a 1/4 c or so of shredded cheese, mozzarella or cheddar usually, but whatever you like. AT lunchtime, I microwave the veg/chicken for a couple minutes until the vegetables are heated through, sprinkle with the cheese and toss. Yummy, super easy, and filling. You can change things up with different add-ins with the chicken, garlic, different spices etc. Play around and see what you like.
Posted by: Rebecca | 08/07/2016 at 10:35 AM
I understand the lady in the video when she said we all have some guilt about knitting. I have sometimes about not making dinner on time for my husband and I am on crochet or other blog reading world.
The Pluot looks so pretty. I think I have had them before. Very good!
Posted by: Angela | 08/07/2016 at 02:39 PM
Hi Andi, thanks again for a lovely post I love watching the videos you choose. Cheers Di
Posted by: Di Ross | 08/07/2016 at 03:00 PM
I have yet to try a pluot. We saw some on our Costco run but I wasn't curious enough to try it. I like how you're drinking tea even though it's warm. I still am also, trying to finish up my bag tea as I want to get into loose tea leaves.
Posted by: stefanie | 08/07/2016 at 03:45 PM
I don't know how you folks in the South get through the summer. It's hard enough in the Upper Midwest. My daughter lives in Miami now, and she says the hot rarely bothers her. She also says she'd rather have a Miami summer than a Wisconsin winter. I totally disagree!
Posted by: Caffeine Girl | 08/07/2016 at 03:48 PM
I am with Caffeine Girl. Here in Eastern Nebraska we have hot humid summers and I so look forward to fall and winter, my favorites. I think more reading and lots of salads and fruit is a way to get through the heat. I am a little behind on blog reading but I have a suggestion for a little more knitting time (a question from several posts ago.) When I was teaching full time, I tried to be ready to leave the house 15 minutes before I needed to leave. I didn't always succeed but when I did, I took 15 minutes with a second cup of tea and a little knitting - mostly on a sock. I really looked forward to that short time to myself. The knitting helped me enter my work day more peacefully. It's hard to work full time.
Posted by: Jane | 08/07/2016 at 05:12 PM
Another lovely post Andi and enjoyed the video too xoxo
Posted by: wendy | 08/07/2016 at 07:08 PM
pluot? oh my....never even heard of it before! I'm on the lookout! This summer heat has me down, too....but the knitting continues. I've been involved with starting a community butterfly garden (it's Monarch Watch certified!!!!) but weeding the darn thing in this heat has me totally drained!!! (MY garden goes untouched....something wrong with this picture, right?!)
Posted by: steph | 08/07/2016 at 07:45 PM
That was a lovely video!!! I am a new sock knitting fanatic!!
How about chicken Caesar wraps for lunch? Quick and easy. Yummy too!
XO Kris
Posted by: Kris | 08/07/2016 at 10:25 PM
My reading also increases during summer but for the exact opposite reason! I love finding a nice spot in the sun and just read the day away (given that it is not too hot though! But it rarely ever is around here).
Posted by: Tahnee | 08/08/2016 at 12:35 AM
I've been making Mason Jar salads for about four months now. They do the trick just fine for quick on-the-go lunches, but I also have been getting all that produce from a local CSA.
As for the knitting lull, I feel the same. I am finally back at it, but for awhile I didn't want to knit anything. I also haven't felt like blogging in forever either, so sadly my blog is sitting lonely on the internet, waiting for me to come play.
Posted by: Lisa | 08/08/2016 at 05:24 AM
My reading has decreased because of play rehearsals, but now that the play's almost over I'll be able to start catching up :) I have quite the stack of library books racking up "coming due" notices that I need to take care of!
Posted by: Kat | 08/08/2016 at 08:09 AM
Well dear Andi, even if knitting is slow, those are some beautiful projects you have there. I especially love the pink toe on those socks matched with the other yarn.
My favorite go to is quiche during these summer months. It's light and anything in the refrigerator or garden tastes good added in. Have a beautiful week:) xo
Posted by: Jeannine | 08/08/2016 at 11:01 AM
Great video. I knew my knitting went from hobby to obsession when I was in traffic one day. I looked at the license plate in front of me and the last three letters were SSK. Hmmm, slip, slip, knit I thought. I knew at that moment knitting has overtaken my life.
Posted by: pat | 08/08/2016 at 01:47 PM
Your sock WIP is so pretty.
I have tried Pluots. I much prefer peaches.
Posted by: Dee | 08/08/2016 at 02:23 PM
Reading and salad, hooray!! Those are good things, and if the knitting slows a bit, that's okay. Fall will roll around eventually. For ideas, I'm pretty devoted to my cous cous salad- I make plain cous cous, chop up whatever ve i have laying around (always have bell peppers and spinach, they work nicely), and then pour in a bit of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and add a generous shake of salt and pepper. Adding a can of drained chickpeas ups the protein, and I can throw this together in under ten minutes.
Posted by: Julie | 08/08/2016 at 07:09 PM
one of my favourite lunches is a Glory Bowl. Essentially it's leftover cold brown rice (but I have often used cooked cold barley or quinoa). Toss in some spinach leaves, or any favourite green leafy stuff; use your food processor or grater to grate a whole carrot and a whole beet; if you have some unsalted nuts there's your protein and good fat (I prefer almonds or pecans). Here in Canada you can get Glory Bowl dressing but a nice substitute is olive oil, squeeze of lime, few drops of sesame oil (don't overdo it), and a light drizzle of balsamic vinegar. Whisk and pour over top. I tend to grate up several carrots and beets at a time so I have some for during the week and not just for one lunch. Use the extra carrots and beets in other salads too, not just the Glory Bowl. Enjoy, if you should try it.
Posted by: DIane | 08/08/2016 at 08:52 PM
Yes the knitting is slow going and the appreciation has to come in fractions of rows some evenings, but so be it as long as I can have some ...
I am a fan of the pluot. There are different variations and I have been enjoying the dark purple ones with the yellow insides. I find the taste ... stronger? Kind of how I feel about Peaches. I love how "pretty" the white peach is, but my love is still for the cling and it's true peach taste. White peach is still more sugar less fruit on the palette. but that's just me.
Posted by: ellen | 08/09/2016 at 03:24 PM
Funnily enough, I find it hard to knit when it is hot. I get so sleepy sitting still! Over on this side of the planet, the days are surely but slowly getting longer, and the sun stronger. An unwelcome return to summer days. But sweet relief for you.
Posted by: Kiwiyarns | 08/09/2016 at 11:34 PM
I can relate to finding it hard to knit in the summer, or anywhere with hot weather, for that matter! Currently it's about +30 in Thailand. Lately, my favorite place to knit is indoors with the AC turned on full blast. :) It may not be the most energy efficient, but it works.
Posted by: Susanne | 08/10/2016 at 07:19 AM
I've never hat a pluot and I doubt I will any time soon. I love vegetables and tolerate the bare minimum of fruits :) I think I read more than knit as well. but that doesn't stop me from thinking of knitting!
Posted by: karen | 08/13/2016 at 10:27 AM
It's been so hot & humid here, too. Ugh, even the swimming pool is lukewarm. Counting down the days until autumn (and wishfully looking at all the gorgeous fall knitting patterns popping up everywhere). We've been surviving on cold wrap sandwiches, chicken or tuna salads & homemade burrito bowls. Or for those especially lazy days, a classic plowman's lunch consisting of good cheese, cold cuts, tomatoes from the garden, olives, apples/grapes and a crusty French baguette.
Posted by: Tien | 08/15/2016 at 06:38 AM