Hello loves!
Can you smell it in the air? Fall is here. Hopefully it is where you are as well. Of course there are those of you across many miles that are now entering into Spring/Summer months and I hope that is making you as happy as Fall is making me. Now, it has to be mentioned that for some here in the states and the Caribbean, the weather has not been too kind to lately. Sending you all many positive thoughts and prayers.
Just some of my Fall knitting plans...:)
While I have never been one to suffer lack of knitting mojo, there are times when my knitting declines. The Autumn months have a way of kick starting my desire/need to cast on all the things. I don't know if it because of the beautiful colors or the idea of wrapping myself up in woolies during these somewhat cooler times...but Fall is about casting on everything. Now there is a real fear that I may cast on too much but I must push that fear aside and just warm up those needles, right?
Pattern~ Monkeys by Cookie A Yarn~ Fibre Revolution Natural Sock in the color Rustic
Casting on all things orange is getting real here. I love deep dark oranges and I would like to think that they love me. While I cannot really wear them too close to my face due to a serious wash out of color, I can sport them lovingly on my feet. Sounds like a good deal to me.
Yarn~ WoolBarn tweed sock yarn in the color Sweetheart
Now pink is another matter all together. Pink for me, is all seasons. I am sure you have your own favorite color that someone fits into every category.
As you can see my week has been all about the yarn? (Picking yarns and projects is one of those fun treats that us yarnies really enjoy), I got to enjoy a nice lunch at a brilliant Indian food place nearby with a friend and am now craving even more curry. Going off on a bit of a tangent, I used to have a neighbor that was Indian and the smells of delicious curries and cooking would creep under my front door. I finally knocked on her door and asked her about her cooking and came home with some great recipes. Unfortunately she moved and I am now without a curry muse. :(
How was your week? Any new acquisitions or stash enhancements. Maybe you started some one of your favorite Fall activities like partaking in all things pumpkin? Do tell.
Thank you all for the absolutely wonderful words of thoughts and concerns when I wasn't able to post a couple weeks ago. You know that feeling where you are not really sure you will be missed but you hope that you are...well I had one of those. I knew without a doubt that I missed all of you, even if it was only for a week. I am still catching up on all my blog reading and hope to visit you all very soon.
I know I have been on a song kick lately. But please enjoy a song and have the best day today!
Yes Andi ,here in the UK Autumn has definitely arrived. What a good idea! Why didn't I think of that? I also love the burnt orange and deep orange colours but don't wear them for the same reason as you. Never thought of socks how dumb. I have a pair of socks lined up as a knitting on the go project ( I have been called for Jury service and there's a lot of waiting around), the socks in question are WYS bullfinch (red) I've had the yarn about a year. It keeps nudging my memory so will be able clear a space in both head and stash. Hope they let me in the courthouse with dpns. That's the end of October. I am finishing a shawl at present. Have a good week. Nice to see all is working well again.
Posted by: Jacqueline Webb | 10/09/2016 at 02:13 AM
Oh forgot to ask, how are you finding The Cursed Child? I have read all the other Potter books but as this one is supposedly written as a play script didn't know if I would like it. JJRowling also ( as I'm sure you know) writes as Robert Galbraith and I like the Cormoran Strike novels.
Posted by: Jacqueline Webb | 10/09/2016 at 02:17 AM
Ooh I love all your plans for autumn knitting, the yarns you've picked are lovely. Your kal on ravelry has encouraged me to start on my Xmas knitting and I'm enjoying knitting some Shilasdair 4 ply in a lovely deep yellow. We finally seem to have started autumn here now, enjoying cosying up indoors with my knitting watching podcasts.
Posted by: Lisa | 10/09/2016 at 03:35 AM
I loved seeing your fall yarn choices Andi, so glad it is treating you well.
Over here in Texas it's finally in the 70s and 80s, which is fall for us. I can finally wrap myself in giant shawls :)
I added lots of yarn to my stash recently, for I went yarn crawling yesterday. We hit 6 shops in 14 hours, and it was so much fun. Expect to see me knitting up a storm on the Fall KAL very soon!!
Posted by: Lisa | 10/09/2016 at 07:18 AM
Oh my golly those MONKEY SOCKS ARE AMAZING! What a beautiful yarn.
I can tell you for sure --- when you were gone, I MISSED YOUR POSTS!
Posted by: Dee | 10/09/2016 at 08:32 AM
I'm glad things have resolved with your computer woes as it's nice and reassuring to have you back on your regular schedule! lol I am also feeling the Fall pull to cast-on new projects....socks I think later today.
Posted by: Claudia Bugh | 10/09/2016 at 09:32 AM
which Opal yarn were you using on your socks?
last week's post? i've seen a lot of Opal yarn
being used. i hope my LYS carries it.
i always have socks on my needles!!! thank
goodness i have a few sets of size 3 needles.
my husband hasn't worn store bought socks in
Posted by: Loretta Tassoni | 10/09/2016 at 12:52 PM
You have some of the best sock yarns, Andi. I love seeing your stash. I like that pink tweed; you're going to keep that hat for yourself, yeah? What is fall like in Arizona?
Posted by: Stefanie | 10/09/2016 at 01:03 PM
I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't help but cast on when fall comes. I've done a quite a bit this weekend alone! What perfect socks for October. I don't always like stripes with the Monkey pattern, but you have found a perfect match!
Curry is another thing that's good in fall. If you've already got the recipes in hand, you'll be fine! Keep calm and curry on.
Posted by: Caffeine Girl | 10/09/2016 at 05:38 PM
Love all your yarn and your fabulous socks that are on the needles at the moment. Especially love the pink tweed.
Posted by: Shirley Flavell | 10/09/2016 at 06:02 PM
I also most definitely get overwhelmed with a feeling of casting on many new things with the arrival of fall. I think I have 5 active projects on the needles now, whereas during summer I never exceeded 2! I think green is to me is what pink seems to be for you, I'll cast on a pretty green project at any time of year :)
Posted by: Tahnee | 10/09/2016 at 11:51 PM
I've finally cast on! I'm trying to use up some yarn that I really, really don't care for -- mostly the colour but it's surely a fall colour: an autumn gold. I'm also not enjoying the knit either -- a lace scarf. sigh.
What I really want to be knitting are socks but all I have for yarn, in terms of colour are spring/summer colours. As soon as I get this darn scarf out of the way, I'm going to knit up some socks whether they're spring colours or not! Whew.
I'm also excited about joining in the swap over at the forum. Seems like it could be good fun. Heading out to begin my shopping after Thanksgiving (which is this weekend). Have a great knitting week.
Posted by: DIane | 10/10/2016 at 12:46 PM
I haven't had any stash acquisitions as of late, but I have been drooling over Stray Cat Sock's halloween and christmas colors. The problem is, which do I choose?
I'm glad to see you back at blogging. I missed reading your weekly posts.
Posted by: Audry | 10/10/2016 at 02:40 PM
I love all your yarn! Good fall weather here, although I have been knitting in mostly grey, possibly a preview for winter? I did finish a sock tonight. Big win.
Of course we missed you!
Posted by: Andrea @ This Knitted Life | 10/10/2016 at 09:42 PM
Hi there I knitted the sockhead hat a good few years ago now and it is still one of my favourite hats come the chiller days.
I love your blog. I have a blog of my mine - not half as good as yours but I try. Please take a wee look. www.knitwithsmileylil.blogspot.co.uk
Posted by: Lily Irving | 10/11/2016 at 06:50 AM
Oh, I get terrible startitis in fall too! I love all your yarns here, and it looks like you have some great projects in fantastic colors to work on now :)
Posted by: Kat | 10/11/2016 at 07:14 AM
This time of year I have to fight really hard to prevent stash creep. I have some really good stuff in my stash that is nicer than what my current budget would allow. On the other hand the new yarn in the LYS is so shiny and gives off wool fumes. I have to ask though... Do those monkey have purls or are the the no purl variation?
Posted by: Erin B | 10/11/2016 at 05:29 PM
I have knit the sock head hat a bazillion times (feels like it) and it's a great pattern. My son has most of those hats come to think of it. I have a husband who cooks curry all the time and I do love his cooking as long as he doesn't get too creative :)
Posted by: karen | 10/12/2016 at 05:15 AM
You are totally knitting all the things, how wonderful! And I'm so glad that even though you don't feel orange works for you, you knit with it anyway and keep it somewhere away from your face, that is clever and exactly how I feel about yellow. Pink is one of those colours that looks good on most people, I think- it's taken me a long time to love pink, but I finally do!
Posted by: Julie | 10/12/2016 at 11:51 AM