Happy Sunday! Hope you week was kind and gentle to you.
Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to this month's featured indie dyer. As you know this year I am introducing you to some talented indie dyers in the hope that you find some new loves.
And here is Brandy dyer extraordinaire and the face behind Long Dog Yarn.
When did you start your business?
Formally, I first started selling my hand-dyed yarns online in May 2016. I was on the verge of defending my Ph.D. thesis, so that seemed as good a time as any to jump into something completely new and different and try to start a whole new business endeavor.
What inspired you to dye yarn and what inspires your colors?
I had been knitting for about 3.5 years and had been designing my own knitwear patterns for about a year when I jumped into seriously dyeing yarn. I was initially inspired by the idea of creating my own custom color palettes for my designs and having complete creative control over the entire process, from the yarn through to the finished project. After I started, dyeing yarn became a new and different creative outlet for me that related to my passion for knitting, but gave me a bit more instant gratification in what I produced. I just began playing with different color palettes and dyeing styles - fortunately, people seemed to respond to it and my business has continued to grow in exciting and unexpected ways.
My colors are largely inspired by nature, but sometimes different color palettes from billboards or people’s outfits on the street will inspire me and I will immediately jot down new colorways in my phone. I also use Pinterest a lot to explore graphic art and different color palettes to get inspiration when I get in the mood to try dyeing up something new for the shop.
How about a little about you?
Well, I’ve finished my PhD now and am focusing most of my attention on the dyeing and design aspects of my business to try to grow and make an actual living from my creative work.
I have a wire-hair dachshund named Rufus who was the inspiration behind my yarn company name and logo.
And finally, after crocheting for years and years I finally taught myself to knit using online tutorials because I wanted to make myself a warm pair of socks while my husband and I were going to school in Toronto for our PhDs. I had always felt before that knitters were a bit snobby and thought themselves better than crocheters, so I had stayed away due to pride. But once I knit my first pair of socks, I was completely hooked and I have been knitting nonstop ever since. It’s proved to be an amazing creative outlet, helped relieve a lot of the stress associated with graduate school, and now I feel very fortunate to have the chance to knit and work with yarn on a daily basis as my job!
Where do you see yourself and the business in 5 years?
I would really love to continue the growth I’ve been able to experience these past several months and continue to expand my line of yarns into more retail stores throughout North America and maybe even overseas! I’d also love to team up with other knitwear designers to put together a collection of designs featuring my yarns - something in the vain of the Brooklyn Tweed model. I’d even like to explore the idea of opening my own small yarn shop that showcases the beautiful work of independent hand dyers and the creativity and hard work that goes into dyeing beautiful skeins of yarn.
Lovely chatting with Brandy, right?
I am currently knitting up some of this beautiful yarn and if you can believe it, I went for a more muted color. This is despite the fact that all of those beautiful bright colors pictured above spoke to me. Something about this color (Champagne Toast), captivated me and I see the final socks in my sock drawer.
The yarn is incredible. Some of you avid sock knitters may already know this, but you can tell by how a yarn knits up, how it is going to wear. Despite being super soft and lush, I can feel that these socks are going to last. Good thing because I am smitten.
Pattern~ Pillars by Lisa Stichweh
I really cannot get enough of this yarn. It is soft with an occasional pop of dark grey and it sings to my sock knitting soul.
Thank you so much Brandy for allowing me to chat with you and share a bit about you on my blog. Now Brandy not only accepted by request to be a featured as my indie of the February but also sent a little gift your way-
"I’ve set up the coupon code MSK15 for my Etsy shop and longdogyarn.com to save 15% on any order until March 12, 2017. "
Have a the best day today!
Gorgeous colors, I love the slight specks of coloring in them. And definitely a great stress reliever.
Posted by: MariposaKnits | 02/12/2017 at 06:39 AM
I love the colors! The promo code does not seem to be working on the website. Thank you.
Posted by: Tanya Smith | 02/12/2017 at 07:06 AM
what a lovely interview! I've followed Brandy's progress over the years and have so much enjoyed seeing her just bloom as a dyer. Can't beat this yarn!
Posted by: steph | 02/12/2017 at 07:58 AM
Thank you so much. Lovely colors. The promo code is not working on Etsy or the website : -(.
Posted by: Witchknit | 02/12/2017 at 08:30 AM
Her yarn reminds me a little bit of Koigu. VERY pretty.
Posted by: Dee | 02/12/2017 at 08:52 AM
Sorry everyone! I hadn't activated the code this morning for you all, but it is working now!
Posted by: Brandy | 02/12/2017 at 10:10 AM
Next pay check I may take you up on that code, because all of those violets and yellows in the first photo are calling my name!
Thank you for sharing, I always love learning the story behind the handmade items - it adds a little something extra.
Posted by: Lisa | 02/12/2017 at 10:23 AM
What fun Andi! I love hearing about indie dyers! I use to only shop certain ones but this past year I've become more adventuresome and it's been a fun journey. The color you selected for your socks is perfection ~ enjoy :)
Posted by: Claudia | 02/12/2017 at 11:30 AM
The colours of these yarns are so amazing! Very interesting to read the idea behind them and how the business started in the first place :)
Posted by: Tahnee | 02/12/2017 at 11:43 AM
Ooh! What a fun colorway name, Champagne Toast. I have been following her on IG, always drooling over her yarn. Since there is a discount code, may have to squeeze some in.
Posted by: Stefanie | 02/12/2017 at 12:00 PM
Love the colours. I am lucky enough to have some of Brandy's yarn for a shawl. It is so soft and luscious.
Posted by: Shirley Flavell | 02/12/2017 at 01:31 PM
Beautiful!! Brandy is a Toronto dyer, so local to me- I'm excited to try out her yarns one day! They look amazing.
Posted by: Julie | 02/12/2017 at 08:59 PM
Gorgeous colors. I've been following Long dog yarn on instagram for a while with drool dripping over my phone. It's so nice to hear I'm not the only PhD who would like to do something completely different (=design knitwear) than what I got my PhD for.
Posted by: Neulisti | 02/13/2017 at 04:05 AM
Thanks for this Andi. I love that she 'discovered' her passion for knitting after one pair of socks but that it really led to her passion for dyeing.
Your comments about the yarn speak to me. I too have found, with the few socks I've made, that it's really obvious through the knitting how the socks will turn out. Lux yarn can be felt immediately and I would have a hard time going back to the 'cheap' stuff. Fewer socks, if necessary.
Thanks so much.
Posted by: DIane | 02/13/2017 at 06:32 PM
Beautiful yarns! Thank you for introducing her work! Sweet little socks!
Posted by: Maryse | 02/15/2017 at 08:58 AM
I love her yarn! Her colors are so much fun!
Posted by: Susan | 02/16/2017 at 09:00 AM
It was lovely to read the interview and it is so inspiring reading about crocheters and knitters who love the craft so much to start dying yarns. I think this is something I would love to do one day too. I love the color that you chose, the sock looks great! have a good weekend!
Posted by: Lisa | 02/16/2017 at 01:00 PM
I agree, you can usually see how the yarn is going to play as you knit it up i agree!!!! Lovely yarn for socks
Posted by: kathy b | 02/16/2017 at 07:02 PM
Welp, there goes my plan to knit from stash. Such lovely colors! And I can always comfort myself that I'm supporting an indie yarn business, right? Right?
Posted by: Amy C | 02/18/2017 at 06:59 PM
Yesterday I went into our LYS and was delighted to see Long Dog Yarn hanging in her store! Sadly I didn't buy one but will be going back after the current pair of socks and will pick something out from LDY.
Posted by: DIane | 02/24/2017 at 11:48 AM