Happy Sunday!
Hello, there! How was your week? Mine was nice and calm, but that doesn't mean I wasn't looking forward to the weekend. Knitting has been all over the place. I think sometimes it helps me to feel a bit scattered, as it makes my feel unsettled. Primarily because I am not a fan of feeling settled and it forces me to stop and take note and focus.
Two socks were finished, but not from the same pair. So I immediately cast on cuff for the second one to avoid second sock syndrome.
Despite not being a monogamous knitter, even I have to have some organization to my knits. Maybe that is where the term, "Method to my madness", came from? Do you ever feel that way? Where if someone else were to look at your stash or projects and see chaos, while you know where everything is and what stage the projects are at?
A good mail day happened when this sweet package arrived this week. These little nuggets of joy come from my lovely friend Diane. Making is more special, she even noted how she watched a YouTube video on how to make mini-skeins. Thank you, Diane!
While I get back to my knitting chaos, I will leave you with a lovely video on how knitting is good for our brain. Enjoy and have the best day today!
I completely agree with you regarding the project organization. This is why I try to *only* have two or three projects on my needles at the same time. Otherwise it looks like a bomb went off in my knitting corner ;-). I love the pink sock...what a sweet little side cable.
Posted by: Sarah W. | 08/26/2018 at 08:13 AM
You have the most beautiful yarns in your stash! That green is so pretty and that PINK!!! It is perfect for that pattern!
Posted by: Dee | 08/26/2018 at 02:04 PM
the more projects the happier we knitters are! My max is four at a time but that is a personal sweet spot for maximum happiness.
Posted by: karen | 08/26/2018 at 02:17 PM
I have been seeing tons of your posts on IG. Are you posting more or is it because of that IG algorithm that I had hardly seen them in the past? You are very good about getting a pair of socks done. I'm looking forward to learning TAAT next year. I'm still working on my Disneyland pair and will post it sometime soon on the blog and your thread. I've been slow for photo shoots. I feel self-conscious about having myself photographed right now and now my teen is sick so she's the priority.
Posted by: Stefanie | 08/26/2018 at 04:18 PM
The projects you have going are so pretty. I love the quote!
Posted by: Deborah | 08/27/2018 at 06:23 AM
Oh man, I'm sure my project organization is a NIGHTMARE to anyone other than me- but I'm the only one who needs to understand it, so it's okay! I used to drive my mum crazy by asking her to get something from my room and saying "It's at the bottom of the second pile behind the chair, under the pink shawl. If you find the unicorn notebook, you've gone too far." XD
Posted by: Kat | 08/27/2018 at 07:34 AM
So pleased you like the little 'package'. I absolutely adore that gorgeous bag (under your pretty pink sock). I've got my old sewing machine out and will be seeing if all the parts are still there because I plan to make a bag or two.
Oh and I currently have a pair of socks on the go - two-at-a-time. I just know that if I did one at a time, the second one would be completely different from the first!
Posted by: Diane | 08/27/2018 at 09:23 AM
I love floral teas, I bet that rose one is delicious! And how awesome is that knitting video- so true!
Posted by: Julie Crawford | 08/27/2018 at 05:34 PM
Yea, I feel that way when I look around my living room or my art studio. There is a method, you just have to be mad to understand it!
Have a great week Andi!
Posted by: Lisa | 08/27/2018 at 06:54 PM
organization? eep!!! maybe that was the trouble with my knitting mojo!
Posted by: steph | 08/27/2018 at 07:20 PM
Oh oh oh mini skeins. I may have to take the plunge
Posted by: kathy b | 08/28/2018 at 10:24 AM
Method to the Madness. It's my bumper sticker for life.
Posted by: ellen | 08/30/2018 at 05:41 PM
Love the soft pink you have on that sock Andi!! Everything you makes is so beautiful!
Posted by: Angela | 08/31/2018 at 04:13 PM
Wow, two finished first socks and the two second socks already cast on! Thx for the video! Have a great week!
Posted by: Maryse | 09/02/2018 at 06:26 AM
The method to my madness is throwing each wip into a designated project bag. Bonus if the bag matches the project in some way. Then all the bags get tossed into a big picnic basket that lives by my favorite knitting spot. It lives there until it is finished & off the needles. Lucky for me that I have quite the project bag collection ;)
Posted by: Tien | 09/05/2018 at 05:03 AM